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March 06, 2005

Forwarding at Gmail

Roch, Gilles, and I were listening to Carole tell us about her parents' experiences using their PC, especially browsing. I finally understood why pop-up ads continue to exist: Some people still notice them! I almost had to have another coffee to recover from that realization.

Most of us more or less in the trade abstract away much actual UI content. Myers-Briggs idealists probably abstract away even more than those with natural sensing capabilities. (Yes, this is also an excuse for why I use the default MovableType template and my blog looks so ugly and plain.)

Gmail had a New Features! link at the upper left and I didn't notice until today. You can now automatically forward from Gmail to your other accounts, and do that as part of filtering. A good thing if you want, for example, if you're planning to do a backup.

Unfortunately Google's Desktop Search still, "Requires Windows XP or Windows 2000 SP 3+," so is only available to people paying the Microsoft tax.

Posted by Mark at March 6, 2005 07:51 AM