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March 08, 2005
Censor thyself
Somebody from C|Net must fear their advertising will go away if people in tech continue to blog about their work. Their FAQ: Blogging on the job reminds you:
Can my employer fire me if I blog from home on my own time?
Yes. The odds of your company perusing your blog is slim. "But if your boss should see your blog and be offended by something there, in most states you have virtually no protection against being fired."
Frank, if you have time to read this, you don't have enough work to do. Let me give you some of mine.
Don't worry. We auto-censor ourselves anyway. But check out this decision allegedly by a federal judge in the US:
The FBI theoretically could also issue a (secret request) to discern the identity of someone whose anonymous online Web log, or 'blog,' is critical of the government.
Isn't that heartwarming?
Posted by Mark at March 8, 2005 09:19 PM