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March 10, 2005

Sports apparel

From DRS, in response to someone wondering what to wear for an upcoming triathlon:

I tend to find that the tri-shorts with the thin cycling pad tends to obscure the details, like the Desoto brand stuff.

But after all, we all know who the boys are and the girls are anyhow, so why bother? I spent the weekend on the beach in Florida, and I am still left puzzled as to why the women wear very small tight suits (puzzled but delighted), and the men wear huge baggy bloomers than come down to mid-calf?

I post this for those of you still wondering why there are so many guys at the gym on Mondays and Fridays compared to those going and getting a real workout at the track, cycling up top a mountain pass, cross-country skiing, pumping iron, or whatever.

Posted by Mark at March 10, 2005 10:39 PM