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March 21, 2005
Real work, part III
Nathalie told me when I got home that she'd taken the car to the garage. The problem was a bolt on the front left wheel that I hadn't tightened enough, causing the other three bolts to come loose. Had she removed the hubcap, this would've been obvious, which reminded me of the time she ran the car until there was no oil showing on the dipstick at all, then took it into the garage when the light came on.
The mechanics of the car are, by definition, not her problem. To the auto industry's credit she mostly gets away with it.
We'd like to do that in software engineering, too. Maybe in a few years we'll get as close as the auto industry. Maybe we'll still be doing it like we are today.
Posted by Mark at March 21, 2005 08:30 PM