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March 23, 2005
Today's 16 km (10 mi) run is the longest Wednesday in what Matt refers to as my Fat Fighter's Marathon Training Program. I did it out and back twice on the 8 km route.
Couldn't decide what I was trying to do until after looking at my split for the first 4 km, which was about 18:46 or something like that. I started thinking it would be nice to do it in under 72 minutes, which is 4:30/km. Only too late did I realize I probably still could've done it in under 70 minutes (7:00/mi) had I been paying attention.
The weather is warm today by comparison, 17 C (63 F), and sunny. I took off my shirt for the second half as I was losing the tape to prevent chafing.
Posted by Mark at March 23, 2005 02:37 PM