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March 24, 2005

Hacks, part II

Luke and I were looking at running VNC. He's working up in Paris, and I installed Solaris 10 on his workstation. He'd been running a local copy of vncserver with the $defaultXStartup set to start CDE or whatever. I wiped that off during the installation.

Then I gave him a fixed copy of a script we had on the network, set unambitiously to use twm. Luke got this running, but felt cheated.

So for him, I Googled to something on the Solaris Forum. First it says:

As for VNC, try google, lots of people run VNC and chances are, someone's already written a set of instructions.

Then later, in a script listing after a whole bunch of cases for different window managers:

echo "Put the crack pipe down and step away from the computer ..."
echo "You either ran startx without an argument or the window"
echo "manager you want to run is not configured in your .xinitrc."
echo "Check windows managers available and update your .xinitrc"
echo "accordingly."
exit 1

A typically kind, generous response to user error.

Posted by Mark at March 24, 2005 09:18 PM