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April 02, 2005
Busy Saturday
Spent half the morning getting things ready for Emma's birthday party this afternoon. Nath had said she was setting the limit at 8 kids. We had 14 or 15, cannot remember exactly.
Now we're trying to get them bathed before we go to a concert Nath wanted to go to in Grenoble. Will put the photos up tomorrow.
Posted by Mark at April 2, 2005 04:50 PM
Hi. Someone googled my blog searching "English-speakers in Pontcharra", so I followed the google and found your blog. I used to live in Pontcharra, and reading your blog makes me miss that area of France so much because so many of the places I frequented are talked about here. Anyway, that's all.
Posted by: Carrie at April 2, 2005 05:04 PM