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April 09, 2005


Today's wet and cold outing was 4 laps around my circuit in La Gache, 14 km (8.7 mi). This week I worked on speed Tuesday and Wednesday, stamina Thursday, strength at the gym Monday and Friday. Today, Saturday, I decided to hold the pace at the limit between jogging and running. In other words go as fast as I could jogging, but without running, aiming to keep my heart rate under 80%.

151 average is a bit over 77% of max. heart rate for me. At this pace as soon as I stop my breathing goes to normal. It turns out the pace is 4:59/km (8:01/mi).

It seems like that should be a comfortable pace, but it isn't really. I'm constantly holding myself back. My mind wanders. It even gets boring after about 45 minutes. So why do it? Not sure, it just felt appropriate.

Posted by Mark at April 9, 2005 10:22 AM