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April 11, 2005

Day off, part VI

Today was supposed to be a day of rest. I was off work and didn't run or ride.

It was a busy day, however. This morning Nathalie found the wallpaper she wanted, and also bought some clothes for her and for Emma. Diane wanted to ride around on my shoulders. She calls it riding around on my head. Then we went to the eye appointment, where the doctor dilated Nathalie's pupils, so I had to drive.

All afternoon I went back and forth to the dump in Pontcharra, finally getting rid of all the branches I'd pruned from the fruit trees. At least the weather was okay, no rain today.

The grass has grown so much in some spots already I could've cut it again. Dandelions are starting to take over parts of the yard. But I ran out of time to do anything about that today.

Posted by Mark at April 11, 2005 07:44 PM