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April 12, 2005
Why not to run
Guardian Unlimited has an article, Running sore, with 10 reasons not to run the London marathon. Number 10 is my favorite, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), "the result of micro-tears occurring in the muscle fibres."
DOMS is one reason why rest days are no fun. The other reason is that instead of being outside wearing out your body and calming your mind, you're either inside wearing out your nerves listening to children on the rampage, or outside wearing out your back noticing how over time you're going to lose the weeds-and-lichen-vs.-grass-and-fruit-trees battle being fought in your yard.
Posted by Mark at April 12, 2005 09:49 PM
My friend Ruwan went to the Chicago marathon to encourage his girlfriend-at-the-time who was running it. Like many participants, they stayed around to take in the city at a different pace. He said it was amusing to see the museums filled with otherwise-fit people shuffling around like 90-year-olds.
After being prodded to run a mini-triathlon by the same person, I have to agree that the funnest part was watching people and catching a glimpse of the running microcosm. I could swear everyone moves differently when they run, some comically.
Posted by: Andy at April 14, 2005 01:00 AM
You climbers probably sometimes suffer the same problems. There must be mornings after when you're stiff getting out of bed.
Running form is a hard thing to perfect. Even the Kenyans running in Paris last weekend were not all perfect. There was one guy at the front who hits on the outside of his feet, like I do. Another one swings his arms a lot. Only one of them had an absolutely elegant and beautiful stride. I'm sure I look silly.
If I want to laugh Sunday, it'll have to be before the 20-mile marker, though ;-)
Posted by: Mark at April 15, 2005 09:31 PM