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April 24, 2005
On the beach
Yesterday afternoon we escaped the rain in the Gers by crossing the Landes, driving by pine groves and vast corn fields, to go to the beach in Mimizan, which is on the Atlantic. The tide was coming in, so the waves were rolling further and further up the shore.
Timothee looked for shells. Emma fell in promptly as a wave knocked her feet out from under her. Diane dug in the sand and made castles.
Almost nobody at the beach went swimming. The air was comfortable at 21 C. The water, however, is quite cold. One guy was surfing, but he had a full wetsuit.
As we drove back, we caught up with the stormclouds. At Notre Dame des Cyclistes, it was raining so hard we had to brake. Emma searched for rainbows.
Posted by Mark at April 24, 2005 09:57 AM