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April 28, 2005


During today's ride, by the way, Matt left me in his dust halfway up the hill in Bernin. As we were rolling through Crolles he said, "Ready for the hill in Bernin?" I didn't realize he was throwing down the gauntlet until my heart rate had gone up 10% and was still climbing.

That's was the only stretch today where we rode hard in fact, but he pushed me to ride harder up that hill than I ever have before. If I want to get as good at riding hard as he is, I have lots of training to do. He may have been paying me back for having pushed past him on the steep part of the hill to Rochasson a couple of months ago.

It was a relief to see the sweat dripping of his brow when he slowed and I caught up. Funny how a little competition can push you further that you'd go on your own. Think I still want to get better at running before I switch to cycling, though.

Posted by Mark at April 28, 2005 07:55 PM