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May 08, 2005
Nathalie stayed with the children while I got out on the bicycle. The weather this morning was perfect for a long run, a bit windy and chilly early for a long ride. I overdressed and ran out of water too soon, but otherwise everything went fairly well. Even got to increase my max. speed since getting the bike computer: 70.1 kph (43.6 mph) downhill on the D 204. Still need to go uphill somewhere if I want to go very fast.
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm injured.
I can go out for about 2 1/2 hours on the bicycle doing almost 75 km (47 km) at 30.4 kph (18.9 mph) average -- in other words, a reasonable workout for my condition -- but start running and I get a very painful headache.
Hope the chiropracter can put me right. I'd like to go to the track this afternoon and practice timing, but dread the pain in advance.
Posted by Mark at May 8, 2005 11:12 AM
Maybe the universe, or your body, is trying to tell you something. In such cases, I wonder if it is possible to know what that is or if we are only meant to act upon it.
Posted by: Andy` at May 10, 2005 06:35 PM
It's definitely a signal. I'm usually slow to recognize signals, and don't feel conscious of what they really mean.
I don't think it means, "Stop running." I get the impression it means, "You're doing something wrong, here. I cannot tell you directly. But you need to figure it out if you don't want to have to give up."
Posted by: Mark at May 10, 2005 09:08 PM