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May 10, 2005

Headache, part XII

The chiropractor asked me how much milk I drink. He says we lack an enzyme necessary to finish digesting cows' milk in the intestine, and so the liver and potentially other systems have to finish the job. He told me that it can even prevent the body from recovering after training, meaning training becomes less effective. It can also lead to troubles processing other irritants, meaning milk products can be linked to allergies.

So he suggested I consider backing off on milk products while training. I asked him about calcium deficiency. He said not to worry much about that, because the body cannot get the calcium it needs from milk products anyway, due to the difficulties of digesting milk. I'd do better to eat more fish, shellfish, nuts, and fruit. He also suggested I aim to eat carbs that have been processed less, such as brown rice, or whole wheat noodles.

He also looked at the x-rays, and at the prescription for physical therapy. He said it probably wouldn't help me in the long term.

Then he examined my neck and back, finding tight spots. So he performed some manipulations on my spine, which made knuckle cracking noises. Then he examined my neck and back again.

The effect surprised me. I can now turn my head all the way to the left without resistance.

He told me "pas d'efforts" tomorrow. If I feel good Thursday, I can go for a short, gentle run, but nothing hard for 48 hours. I was feeling slightly intoxicated somehow after the visit.

By the time I got home, my head was hurting, however, as were my neck and shoulders. Nathalie says it's normal. Her body always reacts that way after she sees the chiropractor.

Posted by Mark at May 10, 2005 09:09 PM