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May 14, 2005

Rain, part VII

Tim invited a few friends over today to celebrate his birthday, which is tomorrow. Nathalie's figured out what to do with a group of excited 8&9-year-olds. A treasure hunt, panning for gold (sifting through couscous for buried M&Ms), bake your own bread, the inevitable piñata, the birthday cake nobody eats because they had too much candy already, etc.

It would be good to get them outside for most of the party, but the weather doesn't look like it will cooperate. If Metcheck.com is right, even if it does stop raining in the afternoon the ground will be soggy.

Tim would rather build a cabin in our yard. When he talks about it, I see he's thinking about a concrete shed in which he could spend the night. A shame he won't settle for a tent.

Posted by Mark at May 14, 2005 06:20 AM