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May 15, 2005

Phishing spam

Spam comes in all the time. For the last year, lots of it has been phishing stuff such as what I got today in one of my mail accounts:


This had a link to emodule05.com, which according to whois, is registered to James Harris.

Getting spam didn't surprise me. What surprised me is that it is so quick and easy to find a name associated with the domain used for the spam scheme. I didn't realize phishing was legal. Can't you get in trouble for posting schemes to steal people's personal information?

Ah... okay, there are a few levels of indirection behind this... James Harris probably doesn't exist, any more than LeiMomi01 Design, tom.com, Wyith Ltd, etc.

Then you look these guys up and find a bunch of pages fighting spammers. Lots of bottom feeders out there.

Posted by Mark at May 15, 2005 02:35 PM


I thought it was rather stealthy to have the image inside a link to the real banking site but have it use an image map linking to emodule05.com.

Thunderbird showed (and loaded) the real URL, but I don't know what Outlook and Outlook Express do.

Posted by: Jan! at May 19, 2005 11:29 AM