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May 28, 2005

THX 1138

Speaking of science fiction by George Lucas, I got THX 1138 from the CE videotheque at work yesterday. Friday night television is bad enough that Nathalie didn't mind my watching it.

It sent her off to read after about 15 minutes. THX 1138 is a sort of art film inspired by a mix of George Orwell, early 1960s America, and California as a life style. Unlike Frank Zappa's music however it seemed awfully sparse. Perhaps I simply didn't understand enough of it to get all the subtleties. Perhaps I should watch it in English.

Then I saw part of the bonus, which was George Lucas and Walter Murch (coauthor and sound guy) talking about how they didn't expect me to understand it. The film is copyright 1970. I guess since then Hollywood has become less experimental. How many films do they make nowadays where the unknown screenplay writers tell you up front they don't want you to be able to figure out what's going on?

You can probably get away with it, but you have to have done something comprehensible or at least commercially successful already.

Posted by Mark at May 28, 2005 02:38 PM