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May 29, 2005

Cheese & smoke

At this point it is not clear whether to ascribe this morning's stuffyheadedness to cheese on pizza or to smoke. I'm convinced however that the feeling of having had my intestines filled with expansive foam comes from the cheese. Felt too bloated to run this morning, which I might otherwise have done despite the aches in my back.

Yesterday we spent late afternoon with Nathalie and Eric down in La Gache. Nathalie used to babysit Emma a couple of times a week at her house. Eric's had a pool put in since then. The children were dying to go in. It's an aboveground pool of roughly uniform depth, so would be too deep for Diane and probably Emma. Tim has swimming lessons and even a certificate to prove he learned. He went in and paddled around. At that point Diane and Emma were so adamant we had to hold them over the edges and dip them in the water. Diane screamed when we eventually had to leave.

Eric's a smoker. I realized yesterday how long it's been since I've been exposed to more than a whiff of tobacco smoke. Maybe I've inherited Dad's allergy to tobacco smoke, because even before leaving their house I had a scratchy throat. But it was nice to see them. They seem to be doing okay.

We left at almost 7 pm, so Nathalie phoned in an order for take out pizzas. I've been avoiding milk products since the chiropractor and then Matt said all they'll do is make it harder for my body to recover from training, and they may cause me allergies as the liver and body systems typically occupied with allergens have to finish digesting the lactate and the components of cow's milk the intestines cannot handle. Last night I was hungry and wanted to know if eating cheese would really make a difference, or if the guys I heard it from had been taken in by New Age nutritional nonsense.

On the one hand, I only have one good data point so far. On the other hand, it firmly backs up their shared theory. No more large doses of dairy products the night before a morning run.

Posted by Mark at May 29, 2005 08:04 AM