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June 01, 2005

To the Ends of the Earth

To the Ends of the Earth covers the Transglobal Expedition led by Sir Ranulph Fiennes, who then wrote the book. He and one other guy went round the earth over both the south and north poles from 1979-1982.

I read this primarily because Rob made it sound interesting. Fiennes is someone to admire but at the same time vaguely dislike without knowing why. In any case what he and his team did is beyond imagining. The writing is vivid, all action, yet reserved, leaving the reader sensing the impossibility of conveying in words how the preparation, then expedition must have been for the participants.

In any case it was much easier to read this book about people rising to frightful challenge than to make my way through Madame Bovary about everyday despair. Or the Old Testament, where from it becomes clear that in addition to everyday despair, there will be divine vengeance.

Posted by Mark at June 1, 2005 11:25 AM