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June 03, 2005
Ran with colleagues this morning. Karine's idea was that we run before noon to avoid the heat. Didier got in a traffic jam and we didn't get started until after 9 am. It's nice to have a job where you don't have to chain yourself to your desk at any particular hour.
Didier and Phil went ahead, but not too much. I stayed back with Karine. She paced me well. The first lap around the 6 1/4 km route took us 39 minutes. My head was fine, no pain. So I decided to do another lap. That one apparently took me 23 minutes. So my heart rate was 145 bpm average, but that was 125 around the first lap and 170 around the second.
It's probably a good thing Karine started me off slowly. That may have given my body time to loosen up before working hard.
Karine asked me why I always do things à fond. Don't know what to say to that. From my vantage point what I do looks slow, sloppy, unfinished, mediocre. I'm basically a fat, lazy slob in a temporarily healthy-looking body.
In fact what was probably really bothering me about the headaches was not the pain, or even the difficulty of running itself. It was the sense of impending doom. A few months without exercise and I'd blimp out and start having bad skin and back pains.
Posted by Mark at June 3, 2005 08:46 PM