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June 06, 2005
Portrait, part II
Mom sent me some drawings that I'd done a Tim's age. One of them was Darth Vador, not as well done as Tim's.
It's funny how George Lucas, after doing THX 1138 about a guy striving desperately to escape from a sort of consumer culture gone wildly fascist, makes six Star Wars movies, aiming to ensure they time it to sell useless figurines now to all the children of everyone in the whole cohort who saw the first film 47 times, bragged about that, and bought large and useless plastic Wookie figurines.
I prefer this other one, a guy with bigger front teeth than Scott McNealy.
That really reflects my inner life, in which I'm always ready to bite someone's head off.
Posted by Mark at June 6, 2005 08:15 PM
I thought you'd like the toothed guy the best.
Posted by: Teena at June 8, 2005 08:56 PM
It's kind of like The Scream.
Posted by: Mark at June 9, 2005 08:48 PM