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June 07, 2005


Had a headache on getting up this morning. It finally subsided after I took paracetamol. Was very apprehensive about running, so I started at a very slow pace.

Going up a slight incline towards the hill behind the mairie in Montbonnot, the headache seemed to be coming back. I was reminded of something Stu said yesterday. Only while rock climbing has he been in situations where he had no other choice but to continue making upward progress. No easy way out.

So it took off up the hill at full tilt. Started losing speed 2/3 of the way up, and had to stop when I arrived at the top. My pulse was only about 182, but maybe being slightly ill prevented me from giving it everything I had. Then I ran hard downhill the long way around.

My head feels okay now.

Posted by Mark at June 7, 2005 02:37 PM