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June 08, 2005
About 6 km. First part gently chatting with Stu. Second part hard.
Posted by Mark at June 8, 2005 06:23 PM
When I got my new bike last July 12, I had vaguely planned to run and bike equally. I checked the other day and found that, without paying much attention, I had managed to split the time quite equally between the two. Since last July 12th, I have bicycled for 98 workouts and ran for 103 workouts.
I long ago decided that 1000 miles per year was a good goal for serious running mileage. It seems to me that bicyling 5 miles equals one mile of running in terms of a workout, at least for people whose rides average 14 - 16 MPH (for someone who rides faster like you, probably a 1 to 4 ratio is more accurate.) If that is the case, then 5000 miles per year riding would be a good goal for serious bicycling mileage. If I am splitting my time between the two, than I should aim for 500 miles running and 2500 miles riding. I have 4 1/2 weeks left before I finish my fist year with the bicycle and so far I have 2112.87 miles on the bike and 385.5 running. Obviously I will not meet the goals above but may come rather close, probably about 2450 miles riding and maybe about 435 running. By the way, how do I do paragraphing when making a comment?
Posted by: Dana at June 9, 2005 03:02 AM
Sounds like you've gotten lots of running and riding in. 500 miles running is probably enough to train for a marathon. You'd wear through a pair of shoes.
If you want to put paragraphs in these comments, one way that's sure to work is to put a <p> tag at the beginning of each paragraph, making it HTML. I'm not sure if there's another way.
Posted by: Mark at June 9, 2005 08:45 PM