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June 14, 2005
Bad wager
Bet against the rainstorm this morning and took the train + bike. Things stayed dry until Gières, then I lost. My socks were squelching when I arrived at the office.
The weather's warm enough now that you don't freeze riding in the rain. Knowing I'm going to have to clean and oil the chain tonight.
Posted by Mark at June 14, 2005 08:50 AM
Do you have a bicycle poncho? I have one that I can send you, I know that it works in Grenoble. I don't ride enough here to need it.
Posted by: Andy at June 14, 2005 08:32 PM
Thanks for the offer, Andy. I probably need fenders before I get a poncho. Without the fenders, I would perhaps manage to keep the mud off my face, but that's about it ;-)
Posted by: Mark at June 15, 2005 07:59 AM
So you're trying to commute on your road bike... I suppose you don't even have lights!
You have 2 options: go with expensive accessories that you can unclip (lights, fenders, etc.) or get the cheap ones that attach semi-permanently to the frame--but then you can't go col climbing on Saturday with the other roadies who wear those silly colored jerseys (oops, sorry :-).
Or you have to buy a second bike (sorry, Nathalie).
Just to put things in perspective, from a friend:
Sea level: http://vasieenvelo.free.fr/IMG/jpg/IMG_5955.jpg
15,000+': http://vasieenvelo.free.fr/IMG/jpg/IMG_8334.jpg
More here: http://vasieenvelo.free.fr/article.php3?id_article=45
Posted by: Andy at June 15, 2005 09:50 AM
Not just trying, actually managing to do it. Matt did say my t-shirt, which is not a jersey, is slowing me down. That's probably why I don't do so many cols; it has nothing to do with weak legs, time, or slow and nervous cornering.
There's one more option, not biking in the rain. Need to give it more thought.
Posted by: Mark at June 15, 2005 11:10 AM
And I do have lights. But the battery in the front one is probably dead.
Posted by: Mark at June 15, 2005 11:22 AM