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June 19, 2005

Last stop

Last week my brakes had worn down to the nubs. At the rear I was close to having the metal brake pad holder rubbing on the rim.


After I put the new brake shoes on, I carefully adjusted everything, taking my time. Michel brought me clips to hold things you've glued in place. They're great for calibrating brakes within about a millimeter of the rim, like having a third hand. It took a little while to get everything right, but it's nice to have the security of well-adjusted brakes.

As soon as I got on the bike to try them, the back wheel locked up.

I'm a terrible mechanic. So I put the bike down for a while. Later I came back to it. It seems the whole mechanism had rotated on it's axis. When I pushed the whole brake, everything came back into true. I coasted around inside the garage and it seems to hold.

Posted by Mark at June 19, 2005 09:13 PM