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July 02, 2005

Mischief and regression

While I was web surfing, Diane went to use the toilet. First she peed on the seat, though. Never said a thing.

After using the toilet, she decided to add an entire roll of toilet paper. That wasn't dissolving fast enough, so she started mixing it with her hands. This only took a couple of minutes.

Emma and I didn't realize what was going on until she slipped on a wad of toilet paper, fell on the floor, and started whining. Is it true that at 3, you're not old enough to know better than to play in the pot where you pissed?

Tim's been doing a lot of childish things as well, as if he were uncomfortable with his age, feeding his sister plastic beads and so forth. Diane's regressed to talking like a baby.

Posted by Mark at July 2, 2005 02:21 PM