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July 03, 2005
Video capture, part XX
We now have 15 SVCD images on our home disk, spanning a little over a year of home video. We have 9 source tapes of digital video and one of analog. Most of our analog tapes were sent to the US, where Dad kindly paid to have them moved to VHS. He'd also bought the analog camera, and had given me a gift of a video capture card for the mid 90s, Pentium 100 based PC Tim now has in his room. He did that on my suggestion. I feel bad about squandering his money that way. The mistake was that 10 years ago PCs just weren't powerful enough to handle video. Today they are almost powerful enough.
Only one SVCD was carefully edited. The compressed SVCD video takes up 8.3 GB. The DV format volume was so enormous we don't have space to store it except on tape. The difficulty with editing is that it takes large blocks of time. Part of that is because you have to watch everything in real time. Another part is because I don't know what I'm doing and have to watch sequences multiple times. But a big part of it is that the volumes of data and calculations outstrip what PCs today can easily do.
And I still find it too hard to split audio and video to handle them separately. Or at least I haven't found the right software.
Posted by Mark at July 3, 2005 09:29 AM