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July 29, 2005

Giving up truth

Until now, everything you've read in this blog has been either true or as close to it as I know how to come... or at least obviously fictional. Sometime soon I'm going to introduce partly fictional writings.

So lots of what I write will still be true. But some won't.

Posted by Mark at July 29, 2005 08:59 PM


Does that mean you will be fudging your Linux listings to make it seem like your computer works or hide the fact that you listen to Engelbert Humperdinck?


Posted by: Andy at August 1, 2005 11:02 PM

How'd you guess?! The latter of course. It was that JPEG of him wearing a jacket with no shirt underneath that really got me.

Posted by: Mark at August 2, 2005 12:19 PM