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July 30, 2005

Sweet Tea

I've been listening to Buddy Guy's album, Sweet Tea. Mr. Guy apparently has a club in Chicago, but I've never gone. The album cover shows some place you might not want to live if you have a choice.


He sure plays like he has the blues, and in listening you feel like you understand why Buddy Guy thought Eric Clapton was okay but some of the other white guitar players who based what they were doing on blues music were playing something that could only be called the blues from the standpoint of time signatures and chord progressions.

Posted by Mark at July 30, 2005 06:00 PM


I heard some from this album on NPR and considered getting it. Do you think it is worth it? Sometimes they play the best stuff on the air and the rest is not as satisfactory.

Posted by: Teena at July 30, 2005 08:07 PM