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August 06, 2005
Monologue vs. conversation
Ludo welcomes Michael Haines starting a blog. Tilly writes conversation starters like chats or href="http://tillybayardrichard.typepad.com/photos/concours_paris_bloguetil_/fenetre.html">this one. But it's not a French thing alone. More well known bloggers like Darren Barefoot and jwz regularly ask questions of their readers.
Wny don't I do that?
A long time ago I read a book in which this guy who'd been cryogenically frozen then resurrected in a criminal's body was selected by aliens to make a trip to the galactic center. Alone. They picked him because he didn't need much company, although he liked other people enough.
I really liked the story when I read it, and have been keeping recruitment in mind ever sense. I'm convinced this blog proves even to martians that I can keep occupied alone for long periods with very few meaningful outside stimuli. And I figure my inner ear won't get me disqualified as a space pilot, especially since the ship does all the flying.
Posted by Mark at August 6, 2005 02:24 PM