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August 16, 2005

At the library

Forbes.com is running an essay by Stephen Manes about the value of the information at the public library. Manes's:

biggest complaint is that some libraries' Web sites don't detail the amazing range of services they offer online until you cough up a card number. Memo to those insular institutions: Put the info in the shop windows out front and I bet you'll see a lot more card-carrying customers walking through the electronic doors.

In other words, his public library isn't public enough on line. Of course, Google had to put their library program on hold because publishers worried about their intellectual property becoming available for free.

As you might guess, I don't disagree with Manes. The value of good information grows as we share it. It's not entirely clear why the editors at Forbes ("Capitalist Tool") would run a top level article praising public services over the best the private sector has to offer.

Posted by Mark at August 16, 2005 08:14 AM