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August 18, 2005

How much would you pay?

How much would you pay for software documentation?

If you're like me since about 1998, it depends. I won't pay anything at all for documentation on a software product I bought. But then I haven't bought any software, except at work, since before 1998.

I will pay money for books that teach me programming, and even system administration. But I won't pay for the man pages, for example. Even though what I use more than anything else is probably the man pages.

So I guess I want them done, but expect not to have to pay. Like system software for my PC. Of course I wouldn't want to use anything I couldn't figure out, probably with free documentation.

It becomes a tough sell when you're a cost in a world that doesn't want to pay.

Posted by Mark at August 18, 2005 05:34 PM