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September 01, 2005

Lore of Running

While I wouldn't recommend Tim Noakes's Lore of Running to anyone who has not yet tried to figure out how they can improve running speed, distance, or both, I also don't think anyone relatively serious about running should go without this book.

In over 900 pages, Noakes covers all the key aspects of running from physiology, to training, to what to look for in a pair of shoes. Although he's writing primarily for the runner without medical training, Noakes always references the scientific literature when making an argument he doesn't preface with a disclaimer that this is only his impression after years of running, studying running, and giving runners medical treatment.

Although it's written like a textbook, I find Lore of Running easy and mostly fun to read (for those interested in running). Highly recommended.

Posted by Mark at September 1, 2005 09:41 AM