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September 14, 2005
Trying Windows
We have shared laptops at work. I was having a hard time with the stupid little knob in the middle of the keyboard causing the mouse to drift, and was not managing to turn that off in Xorg without also deactivating the touchpad. Furthermore, I wanted to try out the wireless network at work.
So I'm trying Windows. First thing that happened when I got on the network was a virus attack. I guess you do need an antivirus program if you aren't using Solaris or Linux or some other some other UNIX variant.
It's okay, but I wouldn't want to have only Windows. All the good applications of course have to be installed by hand. The default shell is awful. They hide the configuration files in the browser. It's a pretty nasty user experience.
Posted by Mark at September 14, 2005 01:56 PM