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September 17, 2005
Read Michel Onfray's Cynismes out of curiosity, and because I ought to read more French. Onfray's book was easy for me to read although I know little about ancient Greek philosophy.
Diogenes of Sinope and other Cynics after Antisthenes had "great disdain for the ... artificiality of much human conduct." (Source: Wikipedia) Onfray draws parallels between what those philosophers are reported to have said and done, and how we perhaps ought to let ourselves speak and act these days.
When I was 12, I probably would've loved Plato's Republic. Now that I'm 35, stories about Diogenes appeal to me. When I'm 58, will I be back to loving the Republic? Probably. I'm already far too lazy to bring my life into line with what I recognize as right and wrong.
Cynismes tells the stories of a few philosophers who didn't give in and conform, be the best they could be, obey, or align with management. Looks like an honest way to live, but a very hard way to live. I wonder how Onfray's doing.
Posted by Mark at September 17, 2005 10:59 AM
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