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September 18, 2005
Dazed and confused under suexec
Okay, I'm back. You may not have noticed, but I tried to update to MovableType 3.2.
Everything just broke. It appears there was a problem with who ran what. At least that's what's fixed it. I finally found warnings about all that in the server suexec doc. Everything was set up as my user, and my brother's user, which I guess is our real sys admin, is the identity the server's taking.
Couldn't the server just tell me that in the logs? This message is not exactly edifying to the vulgate:
Premature end of script headers: /path/to/test.cgi
This can mean, AFAIK:
- You've put a DOS file on UNIX or vice versa.
- There's a bug in your script.
- Suexec doesn't like the permissions you've set but is too secretive to let you know directly.
- Something even more mysterious is wrong.
What I really do not understand is that I had the same ownership and permissions as I have on some CGIs I wrote and the other ones work!
Security through obfuscation? What happens when a smarter fool comes along?
Posted by Mark at September 18, 2005 02:23 PM
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