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September 18, 2005

The Daily Drucker

Dad gave me an survey of Peter Drucker's work called The Daily Drucker.

I had a tough time getting started, as the book has these annoying action points after each of the daily Drucker readings. Of course the actual texts from Drucker are all quite good. Even if you don't necessarily agree with his editorial line, you cannot deny Peter Drucker's capacity for seeing the big picture, usually at the expense of some generally accepted banality that doesn't fit the facts.

A moment ago I finished the 15 February reading, "Salvation by Society," in which Drucker wonders what comes out of the collapse of Marxism. I guess he wrote that when it was happening. Drucker sees people casting around for another savior from outside, but hopes the collapse, "May even lead ... to a return to individual responsibility." As in other cases, it appears many of us still haven't caught up with the management guru's hopes.

Posted by Mark at September 18, 2005 02:57 PM

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