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September 18, 2005

StyleCatcher nevermind

Seems like I've run into whatever Jason Lefkowitz encountered. I've gone back to all defaults in an attempt be download the styles, but nothing doing.

Shucks, I guess I'll have to figure out manually how to download a new, gaudy style each day.

Posted by Mark at September 18, 2005 05:15 PM

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Hey --

you may have already seen this, but just in case, I thought I'd pass it along: Six Apart spent some time working with me on this and finally figured out what was causing the problem.

Details here: http://www.jasonlefkowitz.net/blog1archive/2005/10/what_broke_styl.html

Short version: You are probably using an old version of the LibWWWPerl (aka LWP) Perl module. Update to the latest version and StyleCatcher will start working.

Posted by: Jason Lefkowitz at October 30, 2005 06:22 PM