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September 20, 2005
We're at a point in the project where I've become a bottleneck again, but it's a great excuse to focus on the work. Writing, scripting, playing with the latest builds, all things much better than email, meetings, slideware and stuff like that.
Unfortunately I seem to get much more of the latter than the former. The higher you go up the ladder, the worse it gets. By the time you take a Director's job, you do nothing interesting any more at all.
Posted by Mark at September 20, 2005 08:27 PM
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Directors and managers in any company are busy consolidating their power and planning their next move. They have moved on from making things to making money, they find money and power are more interesting than things. Seeing the universality of the power game, I wonder if trying to justify making quality things is passe'. I don't want to join the power game, but I don't want to be their pawn either.
Posted by: Andy at September 20, 2005 10:04 PM
It's strange that people like to play the power game, since it seems so much less helpful than the game where you try to make something useful for yourself and others. I used to have a sneaking suspicion that nobody really wants to play the power game, but some feel they must in order to get a larger slice of the pie, which they want bad enough to work extra for it.
But then I had a dream in which I was interviewing people as groundwork to make a major change. We were going to move to a system essentially without coercion, like ParEcon or something. When I asked a mover-shaker type what he wanted out of the economic system, he said, "Control."
Since then, I feel the way out will lead beyond from the current system, with people simply opting out of it. A polite way of saying, "Non serviam." Not to be misunderstood as a Satanic utterance, but more like saying, "No, thank you," when someone suggests we play the power game.
Posted by: Mark at September 21, 2005 09:11 PM