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September 26, 2005
Running club, part II
I finally went and got a map. My plan is to trace out some shorter routes using the map wheel and set up a schedule. Would be so much easier if Google had better maps in France.
There seem to be lots of us who could use a couple of runs a week. With an additional bit of exercise, it should get you into the minimum maintenance neighborhood (30 Cooper points). That's what I'm going to plan anyway.
Lana's in town. She says we all look older. Said she and Stu went to a film with Larry, and that Larry's working himself to exhaustion. Called Stu Saturday afternoon at around 6 pm to check the show time to see what was the latest time he could leave work.
Larry probably has nightmares about business angels coming to take his soul as collateral.
Posted by Mark at September 26, 2005 08:57 PM
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