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September 28, 2005

Valence plage

A while ago Roch, Gilles, and I were joking over coffee about trying to guess the new sea level just right and buy a house in the Rhone valley, somewhere like Valence. If you did it just right, you'd have beachfront property in 2050 or whenever.

The BBC's now running an article about disappearing Arctic ice:

[Scientists] say that this month sees the lowest extent of ice cover for more than a century.

The trend graphed over the last 27 years makes it look like everything will have melted by 2080 if current trends continue. Yet they show a spike in there in the mid 90s when ice coverage reached the same extent as the early 80s. I guess you have to be an expert to understand the trends in detail.

Posted by Mark at September 28, 2005 09:24 PM

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