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October 02, 2005
This morning I went out to get some fresh air. I managed to use Pierre's suggestion to get up the rocky trail leading to the plateau at the southwest tip of Fort Barraux. Then I went over to La Cuiller and came back around the front of Fort Barraux.
The mud on the access trail in front of Fort Barraux was clay mixed with a bit of dry grass and small gravel. My theory is that the ancient civilizations got the idea for bricks by riding their mountain bikes through just this type of stuff in light rain, after which the sun came out.
At one point I was in my lowest gear pedalling hard to go downhill. I didn't want to take my feet out of the pedals and get my shoes dirty, yet the huge clods of mud caught between my fork and tire in front, and my wheel and frame in back were compromising all forward progress.
Afterwards I hosed the whole thing down, but couldn't get the mud out of the chain, so I brushed it as clean as I could and dried it with rags before greasing each link. There was still some grit. Hope it doesn't rust. It's now clear why Decathlon specifically says these bikes are not built to be cleaned with high-pressure water jets. It's the first thing that comes to mind with that sort of mud.
Posted by Mark at October 2, 2005 08:39 PM
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