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October 15, 2005

Ubuntu, part XV

For DSL, I used pppoeconf. That took about 30 seconds. Strange that the network-admin app doesn't help you fix that.

For Xorg, I followed the instructions on the Ubuntu Wiki. Another couple of minutes. You have to install a package, play with xorg.conf, and restart Xorg.

Haven't taken the time to do more.

UPDATE: xsane works right off the bat now. No need to sudo.

Posted by Mark at October 15, 2005 10:06 PM

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I know you're not writing for my benefit, but I have to admit that I still don't know what Ubuntu is, and nothing in your post makes me want to find out. Is there a way to filter blog entries on the client side? :-)

Posted by: Andy at October 18, 2005 02:35 AM

Ubuntu's an African word meaning humanity to others. It's also a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian, but nicer to the non-expert.

There's more than one way to filter. You could read only one category for example. But I guess I have only one feed configured, which pushes everything. My running times, posts about Ubuntu or how I got the printer running, book reviews, notes more or less to self... Maybe I should have a blog for anything I want to write down, and then a separate consolidation, much smaller, of things other people might want to read. Which is a small fraction of the posts, I admit.

Posted by: Mark at October 18, 2005 09:01 PM