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October 17, 2005
Comparing *n*x
OpenSolaris.org is running a short article on the similarities and differences in Solaris, Linux, and FreeBSD kernels.
It makes sense that Solaris and FreeBSD would share features, since Solaris grew out of SunOS. But there are also lots of synonyms in Linux as well. It's all *n*x I guess.
Interestingly, Linux gets some of it's speed for handling page faults by being less platform independent. From my 30000' idiot's view, that makes it look like the way to support more hardware is less through hardware abstraction, and more through open source. So that would mean we're doing at least one thing right by getting Solaris out there.
I wonder if the gatekeepers in the Solaris model of development will enable innovation as fast as in Linux. After all, on Linux, you expect things to change when you get a new kernel. With Solaris, we've been trained to expect the API to remain solid no matter how big the upgrade.
Posted by Mark at October 17, 2005 10:08 AM
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