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October 18, 2005
Making the right mistakes
Janetta sent me a link to Jakob Neilsen's Top Ten Design Mistakes, in which Jakob writes:
Some weblogs are really just private diaries intended only for a handful of family members and close friends. Usability guidelines generally don't apply to such sites, because the readers' prior knowledge and motivation are incomparably greater than those of third-party users. When you want to reach new readers who aren't your mother, however, usability becomes important.
This blog must qualify, therefore, for a usability waiver, right?
But I could add a picture, something about me, links to what people might want to read again (if I ever write anything like that). MovableType could make that easier than it does today, letting you add that bit when you set up a blog.
Posted by Mark at October 18, 2005 01:52 PM
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