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October 19, 2005
Should we have frequency monopolies?
Forbes.com is running an article about Eben Moglen's challenge that the FCC broadcast frequency allocation model is outmoded:
By using open-source software and low-powered “mesh networks” that can sniff out open frequencies and transmit over them, Moglen says, “we can produce bandwidth in a very collaborative way,” including transmitting video and telephone conversations that would normally ride on commercial networks.
Okay, as long as those frequencies are truly open. It may be that new software, by using bandwidth differently, can work around the problem, sort of like you can have DSL and voice telephone on the same line. In any case, it would be nice to see broadcast bandwidth financed by big advertisers come under competition from smaller transmitters and peer-to-peer communications.
Posted by Mark at October 19, 2005 08:27 PM
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