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October 23, 2005

Bad wine, part II

Tibili won't work under wine, apparently. The only debug errors I see are about missing fonts.

The main symptom comes when I start Tibili.exe under wine. It asks to load a Director movie file. I found one on the CD that's an ad for Wanadoo, the France Telecom ISP. So it runs that and quits shortly after.

Installation proceeded without a hitch. Just doesn't work, that's all.

The same is true for a promotional CD from Danone, who spent a lot of money to sell liquid yoghurt at extortionist prices under the Actimel brand. I'm surprised they didn't get censored for claiming roughly that their product is a miracle cure that let's you eat bad meals and nevertheless stay healthy.

Anyway, wine's missing emulation of a DLL:

err:module:import_dll Library MFC42.DLL (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\Equipe Actimel\\JOUER.exe") not found

Changing the Windows environment (W98 instead of the default) doesn't help. I'm sort of stumped. Going to have to tell Emma that I give up.

Posted by Mark at October 23, 2005 08:39 AM

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