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October 24, 2005

Tough year for new constitutions, part II

BBC News is running another article about the vote counting in Iraq of the constitutional referendum. According to the article, the attention is currently focused on the Sunni province of Nineveh:

In the immediate aftermath of the referendum, election officials in the provincial capital, Mosul, were quoted by an international news agency as saying the "Yes" vote had won by a huge majority.

Most impartial observers were perplexed and perturbed, the BBC's Richard Galpin reports, as the word on the street seemed to be that the majority had in fact voted "No".

But it was not clear, our correspondent adds, if the "No" voters had mustered two-thirds.

Now the investigations are underway to determine whether proper voting procedures were respected. What's Iraqi for hanging chads?

Posted by Mark at October 24, 2005 09:38 PM

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