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October 29, 2005

Soy vermicelli and shrimp

Nathalie figured we could eat soy vermicelli if I'm carbo loading. These were 60% soy, 40% potato. Very starchy.

150 g soy vermicelli             200 g frozen cocktail shrimp
2 cloves garlic                  2 oz. shitake mushrooms
1 medium-small onion             Soy sauce
1/2 tsp. ginger                  Bouillon
1 jar chop suey vegetables       Cilantro
1 1/2  tsbp. cooking oil
  1. Cook the vermicelli and rince them with cold water so they stay separated.
  2. Dice the garlic and onion, and the ginger if it's fresh.
  3. Heat the wok.
  4. Drain the chop suey vegetables.
  5. Put the oil in the hot wok and add the garlic, onion, ginger for a minute.
  6. Add the shrimp, still frozen, then the vegetables and mushrooms.
  7. Season with soy sauce and bouillon, including a tbsp. or two of water if necessary.
  8. Add the cooked vermicelli and stir fry.
  9. Pour out on the serving plate and sprinkle with cilantro.

Turned out surprisingly good. I only stopped after 2 3/4 helpings.

Posted by Mark at October 29, 2005 08:01 PM

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