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October 30, 2005

StyleCatcher nevermind, part III

Jason Lefkowitz's site and mine got upgraded at the same time, because my brother's at the same hosting service. Jason kindly left me a note to his entry:

Turns out that StyleCatcher has problems with old versions of the Perl module libwww-perl (aka LWP). My box was running LWP version 5.64, which is an old version, vintage 2002 — the latest one is 5.803, which is what 6A had been using for testing.


$ head movabletype/extlib/LWP.pm
# $Id: LWP.pm,v 1.118 2002/02/09 18:45:42 gisle Exp $

package LWP;

$VERSION = "5.64";
sub Version { $VERSION; }

require 5.004;
require LWP::UserAgent;
# this should load everything you need

So if they're testing with 5.803, how did I get 5.64 with the upgrade I downloaded from their site?

Library versioning makes all software people look brilliant. It's the software engineering equivalent getting your picture taken while picking your nose.

At least StyleCatcher now sorta works.

UPDATE: Beckett is great. I feel like Wonder Woman with all these stars.

Posted by Mark at October 30, 2005 09:31 PM

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